Natsu no Niwa
An animated short film directed by Yojiro Arai and animated by FILMONY for Kagome's "GO!ME." initiative, a PR campaign advertising the Japanese foodmaker's line of ONE DAY and AOJIL vegetable drinks.
The imaginative short film tells the story of Mea, a young girl who embarks on a strange and exciting adventure when her personal gravity field spontaneously reverses one summer day.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Overview: An animated short film directed by Yojiro Arai and animated by FILMONY for Kagome's "GO!ME." initiative, a PR campaign advertising the Japanese foodmaker's line of ONE DAY and AOJIL vegetable drinks.
The imaginative short film tells the story of Mea, a young girl who embarks on a strange and exciting adventure when her personal gravity field spontaneously reverses one summer day.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Other Names: なつの
Episodes: 1
Release Year: None
Type: ONA
Studios: FILMONY